Betaglucans against the development of symptoms of infections

Betaglucans against the development of symptoms of infections are found in fungi and in large quantities also in the yeast. They can step up the immune response and stop the further development of symptoms. They just need to be modified.


It is necessary to release the beta-glucans from the relatively strong binding to the yeast cell membrane and at the same time to kill the yeast so that they do not cause digestive problems. Stir 2 to 2.5 g of yeast in a glass of water, it can also be sweet. I recommend 2 tablespoons of sugar to 2 dcl. Let it ferment. And heat it, for example, in an electric oven to 55 ° C (the temperature must not exceed 60 ° C) for 30 minutes. After cooling down or even slightly warm at once, drink if symptoms of infection occur. You can taste orange juice or lemon or other syrup. The prepared drink can be stored in the refrigerator.


Sore throat, rising temperature, pain in muscles and joints, chest pain, coughing irritation to the cough, beginning a binge cough, loss of smell and taste. Not all symptoms may be present. Just one of them.


One single dose of yeast is needed as soon as possible when one of these symptoms occurs. I.e. large quantities in one single dose. It will cause immediate stimulation of immune processes and within 3 hours after administration the symptoms should be alleviated or disappeared. If a cough is already present, it will stay but change its character. Changing dry cough to moist is a very positive indicator. The application will only stop the further development of the disease. Immunity stimulation is very demanding for the organism, therefore further application as needed after 12 hours, but only in case of real need. Otherwise, the immune system becomes exhausted and stops responding. It is recommended to repeat at least 3 days later so that the increase in the immune response will affect the infection (any) at the incubation stage.


If there is already an infectious agent in the body, symptoms of the action of peroxides produced by the macrophages on the already affected cells may occur within 30 minutes after application. Sometimes, some unpleasant symptoms occur, but resolve within a maximum of 3 hours. Pain in the muscles and joints is the longest.
Dietary supplements containing betaglucans can be used, but I still recommend activating them at 55 ° C for 30 minutes. The gelatin capsule and plastic wrap will not damage this temperature. Only a slight deformation of the plastic packaging can occur. Administer 3 capsules at a time.

© MVDr. Lubomir Chmelar, Ph.D.